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Usage Alerts

Customize Usage Alerts to fit your water habits and adjust sensitivity while you’re away.

Joe Fazio avatar
Written by Joe Fazio
Updated over a week ago

Default Usage Alerts

Usage Alerts determine when you get notified about certain water usage patterns. Flume creates one Usage Alerts when you first install your device.

The Flume Smart Leak Alert rules can be turned on or off or modified. First, let's take a look at the default alert:

Flume Smart Leak Alert

By default, this Usage Alert will notify you if water is running constantly for 2 hours. This Usage Alert is very good at detecting low flow leaks such as running toilets, slab leaks, pinhole leaks, etc.

This Usage Alert is "smart" because it will ignore certain events such as irrigation. So, let's say that this alert is set to trigger if water is running continuously for more than 2 hours. Let's also say that you irrigate for 3 hours every day. You would expect that your irrigation would trigger this alert 2 hours into your irrigation schedule. However, since this alert is smart enough to ignore the irrigation, the alert will not trigger.

To view or edit the settings for this alert, just click "Flume Smart Leak Alert", on the "Usage Alerts" screen above. Default settings can be adjusted as necessary. See "Editing Usage Alerts" below.

Turning Usage Alerts On and Off

In the screenshot at the top, you see a slider next to each Usage Alert. To turn a Usage Alert on, just click the slider until it turns green. To turn a Usage Alert off, click the slider until it turns white.

Customizing Your Usage Alerts

To customize a Usage Alert, start by clicking on the Usage Alert.

For instance, let's say that you want to edit your "High Flow Leak" alert so that it only notifies you if water runs at a flow rate of 10 gpm for more than 10 minutes.

As you can see below, we just need to change "Leak Duration" to "10 minutes" and change "Flow Rate Above" to "10 gpm" and click "Save".

Do Not Alert Schedules

Do Not Alert Schedules allow you to disable a usage alert rule during a specific time frame during the week. For example, if you run irrigation Monday and Wednesday from 4:00- 6:00 AM, you can set up a Do Not Alert Schedule so you are not alerted during this time. You will still be alerted if your usage meets the parameters of the alert outside of the specified timeframe. To learn how to set up a Do Not Alert Schedule click HERE.

Deleting Usage Alerts

You can delete any of the Custom Alert Rules by doing the following:

  1. Slide the rule that you would like to delete to the left

  2. Click the red "Delete" button

You can not delete the "Flume Smart Leak Alert."

Usage Alerts Page

When you click on "push notifications", you have the ability to click into the specifics behind each notification on the app's dedicated page for alerts.

When you click on a usage alert under your push notifications you will be taken to your water usage data that triggered the alert. From this page, you can update your usage alert, and if it's a Flume Smart Leak Alert you will see additional information such as tips to locate the leak and a way to provide Flume feedback if we've alerted you of something that wasn't a leak.

Adding New Usage Alerts

To add a new Usage Alert, simply click on the "+" sign at the top of the page.

*If this feature do not appear, you may need to upgrade your package, this can be done under settings in the Flume app.

Custom High Flow Leak Alert

High flow leaks are rare but they can cause a lot of damage in a short period of time. We suggest setting up an alert like this if you would like to keep an eye out for these types of leaks. However, this type of rule may set off some false leak notifications if you have anything in your house that uses more than 5 gpm for a period of 15 minutes. If this is the case, you may want to monitor your water usage in the Flume app to see what your peak water usage is per minute. You can then bump up the flow rate to something more appropriate or set up a Do Not Alert Schedule.

Away Mode Rule Setup

If you are leaving your house, and you don't expect to be using any water while you are gone, you may want to set up a rule for Away Mode. This will notify you if any water is running for more than a couple of minutes. This could be very useful for vacation homes. Below is good criteria to use for Away Mode.

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