Flume 2 is the latest and greatest product from Flume! The new Flume 2 features advanced technology, partnered with a more durable design for an improved water monitoring experience.
Flume 2 will do everything that the Flume 1 product currently does, but with these additional upgrades:
New Look and Feel
Flume 2 brings an upgraded, more durable design. The Bridge now has an internal antenna, no more wires sticking out. The Water Sensor features a latch closure, instead of screws.
Improved Battery Life
Flume 2 features an improved radio frequency (RF) connection between the Bridge and Sensor causing less drain on the battery, improving overall battery life.
Double your Battery Life
Flume 2 ships with one battery pack (just like Flume 1). However, Flume 2 also has the ability to add an additional battery pack for even longer battery life.
Note: Please only use an approved Flume 2 battery pack in the second battery holder.
Battery Replacement in a Snap
Flume 2 features a new latch and seal design, allowing for quick and easy battery installation without the need for screws and tools. The new design also reduces the possibility of water damage in water pits that frequently fill with water.
Never Lose Your Water Data in the Event of a WiFi Outage
Flume 2 saves and uploads water usage in the event your Bridge disconnects from WiFi during a power or WiFi outage. Never miss a minute of usage!
Increased Range and Connectivity
Flume 2 has a dramatically improved radio frequency (RF) connection between the Bridge and the Sensor, allowing the devices to communicate across longer distances and challenging topography.
Detail+ (your water use breakdown by individual appliance)
Detail+ offers you a brand new look at your water by showing you how much water the appliances in your home are using! Detail+ allows you to see what percentage of your water use comes from your toilets, showers, dishwashers, water softeners, sprinkler systems, and more. If water comes out of it, you’ll know! With new daily, weekly, and monthly comparisons, you’ll experience total control over your water use. If this feature does not appear, you may need to upgrade your package, this can be done under settings in the Flume app.
Please contact us at support@flumewater.com with any questions!