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Problems with Flume 2 Sensor Calibration
Problems with Flume 2 Sensor Calibration

Are you having trouble with the Sensor calibration during installation?

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Written by Support
Updated over 10 months ago

During the last step of the installation process, you will be asked to run a light stream of water to calibrate your Water Sensor. The step looks like this:

If this calibration step fails, here are a few things to try before you repeat this step:

1. Please check here to make sure that your meter is compatible with the Flume 2 device.

2. Confirm that your device is installed as shown below. Make sure that the device is parallel to the pipes, and that it is centered on the meter. The Flume logo should be facing upwards and read "Flume" from left to right. There should be nothing in-between the Sensor and meter (including straps). The the plastic clasp should be at the top of the Sensor. For examples for placement click HERE.

3. If you still can't calibrate, you may want to try and move the device down on the meter slightly. If that still doesn't work, try placing it on the opposite side of the meter.

4. If you still can't calibrate, try running a stronger stream of water during the calibration, like a garden hose on full blast. Make sure that the stream of water is constant and there is not other water sources running in the background.

5. Some houses have a large pressure tank. In this case, when you turn on your water, water will first flow from the tank and your meter will not spin. When the tank is empty, your meter will begin to spin. In order for calibration to work in this situation, you must wait for the meter to start spinning before you can initiate the calibration.

If you are still having issues, please contact Customer Support at

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